
Did you know that almost 1 out of every 2 adults at the age 65 and older is being diagnosed by his doctor with an inflammation in at least one of his joints “Arthritis”?

Did you know that Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of joints inflammation “arthritis” and is considered the leading cause of disability worldwide?

We all know that Osteoarthritis has always been a bothersome and restraining health problem that could not only affect the elderly population but also could affect the younger population.


It’s true that the risk of developing Osteoarthritis increases with age but it can also happen due to other risk factors such as:

Joint injury or overuse

such as knee bending and repetitive stress on a joint, can damage a joint and increase the risk of OA in that joint at any age.


Women are more likely to develop Osteoarthritis symptoms than men, especially after age 50.


Extra weight puts more stress on joints, particularly weight-bearing joints like the hips and knees.


People who have family members with Osteoarthritis are more likely to develop Osteoarthritis. Also, People who have hand Osteoarthritis are more likely to develop knee Osteoarthritis.

Effective and Safe Management of Osteoarthritis

Despite being a common health problem, there is no cure for Osteoarthritis, so doctors usually treat Osteoarthritis symptoms with a combination of therapies, which may include the following:

Non-pharmacological approaches

as increasing physical activity, physical therapy with muscle strengthening exercises, and weight loss.


including pain relievers and NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs).


Evidence has shown that NSAIDs may suppress the symptoms of osteoarthritis but may also accelerate its progression

As most of Osteoarthritis patients are elderly, thus NSAIDS would put this population in greater risk of the following critical conditions as:

Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Cardiovascular events (e.g., Myocardial Infarction or Stroke)
Edema, Congestive Heart Failure and impaired renal Function

Effective and Safe Management of Osteoarthritis


For all those reasons, a need for an effective and safe management of osteoarthritis (OA) for the millions of people has emerged to meet the Goals of Osteoarthritis Therapy, which are:

Alleviate or eliminate joint pain through inflammation suppression.
Improve or restore joint function and mobility.
Improve muscle strength to protect cartilage, ligaments, and the joint capsule.
Prevent and reduce damage to joint cartilage, bone, ligaments, muscles, and local nerves.